
Saturday, September 23, 2006

1st Previews

We got through our first previews with no major hitches. Due to an over-zealous fogger part of 'I Wannna Be a Producer' looked like we lit a few showgirls on fire but other than that no big gaffs.

We have tomorrow off then our official opening on Monday night. We have a photo call on Wednesday but here are a few back stage photos snapped during rehearsals.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Rehearsal Update

Rehearsals are going really great. The cast is really talented across the board. I can't wait to get into tech and get the orchestra and sets and costumes. We went into the recording studio on Friday to record the click tracks. That was really great and a lot of fun

Here's a link to my friend Matt Wade rehearsing a little choreo from 'Springtime for Hitler'

and here's a pick of Elizabeth Palowski as Ulla