
Friday, October 27, 2006

Long Time No Post

It's been a while since I've put anything up but I've been super busy and sick for about the last week. We just finished a few days in Erie, PA and are now in Easton, PA for a few days. Thetwo venues this week have been small and challenging but still good shows.

In Erie the pit was on the same level as the audience and only about 5 feet deep so we had to spread out a lot. We ended up using a lot of video monitors so that the musicans further away could still see. All in all the shows were pretty tight. The cast had to deal with a lot less room backstage so their tracks became more hectic than their usual chaos. They did a fantastic job adapting to the smaller quarters and luckily these are our last challenging venues for a little while. It will be nice to get back to the full 'scenic' design of the show.

There was a really great (kinda bad) all night diner in Erie that was fun on occasion and every bar was ridiculously cheep. If I had been feeling better I'm sure I would have partaken more regularly.

And if you have time you should definitely be watching 'The Office' and 'Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip'. Both excellent shows. Well I've only seen the pilot of 'Studio 60' but I have the rest to watch when I get time.

I'm trying to find a way to put a link to our B roll video footage so hopefully I'll that soon. Until then I have some small photos from our photo shoot. For some reason they're really tiny but oh well.


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